Top Podcasts for Learning French: individual and corporate


A valuable tool for language learners is podcasts. You're in luck if you're seeking for podcasts to help you learn French because there are several options available. There are a tonne of podcasts available for listeners at all skill levels, from novice to expert.

Podcasts are also used when teaching both one-on-one and group classes. A corporate french instructor (here - uses podcasts in teaching as a way of introducing French into the daily life of the group.

Top Podcasts for Beginners 

Louis French Lessons

Typical duration: five minutes. Frequently released little episodes for novices featuring concise dialogue and explanations. Additionally helpful in preventing overwhelm in the early stages of language learning are short episodes.

French Made Easy

Typical duration: five to ten minutes. Excellent, easy-to-listen podcast for anybody learning French! An essential if you wish to review concepts like verb conjugations while studying other resources, like as a book or course.

Radio Lingua – Coffee Break

15 minutes on average. Most likely one of the oldest podcasts dedicated to language instruction. The Coffee Break series is well regarded and frequently recommended.

Top Podcasts for Intermediate

Apprendre à Apprendre une Langue

30 to 60 minutes on average. Céline hosts a podcast including interviews regarding language learning. Not changed since 2020.


20 minutes on average. With "stories for curious French learners," the cover artwork entices readers. This podcast for intermediate French language learners has a great range of subjects and topics.


40 minutes on average. The variety of fascinating subjects that matter—in their own words—is what makes InnerFrench so remarkable. Ideal for students in the middle grades.

Top Podcasts for Advanced

As you can see, I've listed them all as intermediate to advanced. This is because it's important to practise listening to and being comfortable with French before you're ready.

On the whole nevertheless, the topics and discussions cover more sophisticated vocabulary than those of the previously mentioned podcasts.

For advanced students who like to consume information mostly intended for native speakers, these are excellent.


Length on average: 5–20 minutes.


Average duration: 15 minutes. News stream with a strong Asian and Japanese focus.


Average runtime: Vary depending on the show. Many well-curated programmes available from Korean broadcaster KBS in multiple languages. Right now, three are offered in French.